How to become a Registered Nurse?
Registered Nurses (RN) are integral members of any medical facility. They are basically employed in hospitals, private clinics, nursing homes, residential care facilities, schools, community clinics, elderly healthcare facilities and many other places. The basic duties of a Registered Nurse includes treatment, administering medications, screening health conditions, diagnosing their conditions, completing medical charts, and providing emergency care to the patients.

How to become a Registered Nurse?
You may be wondering how to become a registered nurse. Here are the three main steps required to become a Registered Nurse:
Get the proper basic education: Registered Nurses can be distinguished from other classes of nurses by their higher level of training and education. To become a registered nurse, you must have high school diploma or a GED. For students who are still in high school, they should give attention to their science course mainly biology and chemistry because these are mainly used in the medical field. They also take the SAT or ACT exams to get admitted to a good undergraduate college.
Get the proper Advanced Education: Apart from your regular studies, you should also get the appropriate advanced education to succeed in this field. For this, there are four major paths that you can follow. They are master’s degree in nursing (MSN), a bachelor’s of science degree in nursing (BSN), an associate degree in nursing (ADN), and a diploma. Among these, the most widely used path is the ADN program. The Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) is a two year associate degree program offered by junior and community colleges. The Bachelor’s of Science degree in Nursing (BSN) is a four years course offered by colleges and universities. The diploma program is a three years course offered by hospitals and nursing homes. Registered Nurses with an ADN or diploma also choose to pursue a BSN degree which is also known as RN to BSN program that prepares student for a wider extent of nursing practice. Additionally, Accelerated MSN (Master’s Degree in Nursing) programs can also be pursued by combining a year of BSN program and two years of graduate studies to hold a MSN degree.
Pass the NCLEX-RN exam: In all the states and territories of the United States, including the District of Columbia, students wishing to work as a Registered Nurse are required to pass a national licensing exam known as the NCLEX-RN exam. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing develops and administers the NCLEX-RN examination. The NCLEX-RN examination is accepted by every state as an indicator of having passed the minimum knowledge and skills required to work as a RN. The NCLEX-RN exams are aimed in testing the knowledge and skills of a RN graduate to work effectively as a RN in medical facilities. Those students who wish to take the NCLEX-RN examination should check with the Board of Nursing in their respective state to find out what they need to do.